
Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission is a faith-based initiative solely dependent on charitable contributions. Your Donations are administered by Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission and are tax-deductible. Donate Online Secure donations can be made by credit card, virtual check or EFT. Recurring donations are also possible. Donations to Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission are processed in USD.

Donate by Mail Checks payable to:

  1. "Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission"

    Send to: 

    1220 20th Street 

    Santa Monica, CA 90404 

    United States

Donate by Zelle: use linked email:
Donate by PayPal:
Scan the the code:


Or use PayPal Platform to donate

Donating stock or securities to the Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission empowers our mission to evangelize and disciple the unreached peoples of Asia. This method of giving not only furthers our vision but also may provide you with significant tax benefits.

Instructions for Transferring Stock or Securities

  1. Contact our Financial Manager to arrange the transfer and to ensure you receive a proper donation receipt for tax purposes.

    John Yong
    Tel: 562-912-0925

  2. Instruct your broker to initiate an ACATS Transfer to our account with Fidelity Investments.
  3. Provide the following details to your broker:
    • Organization Name: Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission
    • Address:
    • Brokerage:
    • DTC#: 0226
    • Account #:
    • Tax ID/FEIN#:
  4. Following the transfer, confirm the donation with our Financial Manager, after which a gift receipt will be issued. The value of your donation is determined by the stock's average value on the transfer date.

Other Donation Options: To discuss other giving options such as donating stocks, used car, land or for help regarding donations, please email JOHNYONG@BTJGM.ORG or call 562.912.0925 . Back to Jerusalem Gospel Mission is a Non-Profit corporation provisionally exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue code..